2 thoughts on “early 70s

  1. Absolutely incredible! This piece is so beyond original and creative. The contrast of colors brings out such a sharpness to the nearly dream like state of the piece. I’m truly enamored by the beauty and complexity the artist brought to this painting with such simple, primary colors. My favorite piece in the gallery by far.

    • Hi Alexis. Clay’s Dad here. Thanks for your kind words regarding my brother’s work. He was quite a good artist who died in his prime. I want to expose as many people as I can to his unique and expansive paintings. Feel free to send the site address to whomever you wish. Soon I will be uploading 3 more images of paintings from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum collection. The owner of the pieces contacted me through the Facebook page.
      Hopefully I’ll meet you and your family soon.


      Tom Cunningham

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